About Us

Jay Kay Trade is a global marketing, supply and venture growth company that brings value to the world's leading producers and users of petrochemical products through customized business solutions.

Focus on Efficiency

Concentrate on Productivity

By the late 2000s, Jay Kay Trade had been accumulating smaller liquid chemical parcels into larger vessels for some time. Such methods allowed our leased ships to load cargo and discharge at a number of ports along a given path, stemming in significant cost savings and transportation time optimization.

Excellence in Logistics

Superiority in Logistics

Interactions with our own group container lines XM LINES are a central pillar of our business. Jay Kay Trade is one of the top ten exporters of shipping containers in the middle East and Europe, we also pride ourselves on operating innovation. For example, we initiated overland trucking to a key market, reducing shipment time from 45 days to ten or less.

jay_kay Creates Value

Jay Kay Builds Value

Jay Kay Trade creates value through cost savings whenever possible. By leveraging our relationship withshippers and arranging the freight and logistics on behalf of one supplier of chemicals, we reduced totalshipment costs by almost 25% on product progressing globally.

Reducing Waste

Reducing Waste

Waste reduction is not only good for the environment, but good for a business's bottom line. Jay KayTrade assisted converters with the marketing of reprocessed pellets from their manufacturing waste,creating substantial value.

Applying Market Knowledge

Applying Market Knowledge

Jay Kay Trade tries to apply our marketplace expertise in all aspects of our business. Jay Kay Trade is aleading provider of a key value-added product from a major petrochemical manufacturer. Theseproducts are high quality and provide excellent properties to the finished goods. Through Jay Kay 'sknowledge of the Petro chemical market, and our in house technological experts, we created an entirelynew application for one of these and are progressively increasing our sales in this sector.